Tuesday, January 5, 2016

585 Magazine - Getting its Fierce on for January!

I'm having a lovely holiday with my best friend Lisa, our four kiddos are giggling over music in the background, and my love is at my side (if Lisa likes him, he's in like Flynn ;)). It's all pretty much perfect, couldn't possibly get better, right? Wrong! Lisa gets a text from one of her friends 'Tell Teri I need to do one of her sessions after seeing her article in 585!' YES! I've been patiently (maybe not so patiently) waiting for this issue to come out.

A little background into this story: I had a fantastic writer come into my studio and do a session. She wrote about her experience and Jane Farr, Editor-in-Chief loved the article, so we were a go! Then came the task of choosing images to use. I have so many gorgeous women entrust me with helping them Find Their Fierce! I was thrilled with the number of clients who were willing to have their images used in a local article. Each of these women, who had come to me with a bit of trepidation, found after their session that they LOVED the way they looked. They had found their fierce, and believe me, no one can take that away from them. 

'Find Your Fierce!' You'll see that over and over again on my website, on my Facebook page, you'll hear it from me when I speak. I am a huge fan of women finding their fierce, in whatever way works for them. I also believe a Boudoir Session is one of the most cathartic, self loving ways to find your own fierce, embracing the beauty and sexuality that is you. During your session you are pampered by my fantastic hair and makeup artist, Valerie Schaubroeck. Then we move on to your session creating gorgeous images of you while you are reminded that you are, without a doubt a gorgeous, sensual, powerful, and fierce woman. 

Embrace this year as YOUR year to Find Your Fierce. If you need a bit more convincing, read the 585 article and find a better understanding of what a Boudoir Session can mean to you.

Find the full article here: 585 Magazine - In the bedroom

Find Ciao Bella Boudoir (and your fierce) here: Ciao Bella Boudoir

Of course, not all of the gorgeous women who were happy to share their Ciao Bella Boudoir images of them Finding Their Fierce were in the article, so I'm sharing this image here and telling you -

Find Your Fierce!

Make this year the year you celebrate you. The year you fully realize how beautiful, powerful and sexy you are. The year you decide that only you are the perfect awesomeness that is exactly, perfectly, FIERCELY you!

Oh, and for the record, Lisa likes my love, so this year is not only going to be fierce, but also filled with love. Happy New Year all my fierce lovelies! May your 2016 be amazing!

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